Journal Publications (Peer Reviewed)
Note: CABS corresponds to the classification on the Chartered Association of
Business Schools Journal List. When no CABS classification exists for this
journal, the impact factor is reported.
See also selected publications eligible for the upcoming UK Research Excellence Framework (REF 2020) here.
- sdf
- Poulos M., Korfiatis N. Papavlassopoulos S.,(2020). Assessing Stationarity in Web Analytics: A study of Bounce Rates. Expert Systems - Forthcoming (CABS 2*)
- Stamolampros P., Korfiatis N. Dousios D., Symitsi E.,(2020). The joint effect of consumer and service providers’ culture on online service evaluations: A response surface analysis. Tourism Management, 78 (June 2020) - Forthcoming (CABS 4*)
- Stamolampros P., Dousios D. Korfiatis N. (2020). Evaluating Domestic Bias on Airline Passengers’ Online Reviews: The Moderating Effect of Cultural Value Orientation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 87 (May 2020) - Forthcoming (CABS 3*)
- Stamolampros P., Korfiatis N., Chalvatzis K., Buhalis D. (2019). Harnessing the Wisdom of Employees from Online Reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 80 (January 2020), 102694 (CABS 4*)
- Stamolampros P., Korfiatis N., Chalvatzis K., Buhalis D. (2019). Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Determinants in High Contact Services: Insights from Employees’ Online Reviews. Tourism Management, 75 (December 2019), 130-147 (CABS 4*)
- Kostagiolas P., Lavranos C., Korfiatis N., (2019). Learning analytics: Survey data for measuring the impact of study satisfaction on students' academic self-efficacy and performance. Data in Brief, 25, 104051
- Stamolampros P., Korfiatis N. (2019). Airline service quality and economic factors: An ARDL approach on US airlines . Journal of Air Transport Management,77, 24-31 (CABS 1*)
- Korfiatis N., Stamolampros P., Kourouthanasis P., Sagiadinos V. (2019). Measuring service quality from unstructured data: A topic modeling application on airline passengers' online reviews. Expert Systems with Applications, 116, 472-486 (CABS 3*) [PDF]
- Stamolampros P., Korfiatis N., Kourouthanasis P., Symitsi E. (2019). Flying to quality: The impact of culture on Online Reviews. Journal of Travel Research, 58(3), 496-511 (CABS 4*) [PDF]
- Chopdar Kr Pr., Korfiatis, N., Sivakumar V.J., Lytras, M. (2018). Mobile shopping apps adoption and perceived risks: A cross-country perspective utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Computers in Human Behavior, 86, 109-128 (CABS 3*) [PDF]
- Huang G.H., Korfiatis N., Tang C.H. (2018). Mobile Shopping Cart Abandonment: The Role of Conflicts, Ambivalence and Hesitation. Journal of Business Research, 85(C), 165-174. (CABS 3*) [PDF]
- Stamolampros P., Korfiatis N. (2018). Exploring the behavioral drivers of review valence: The direct and indirect effects of multiple psychological distances. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(10), 3083-3099 (CABS 3*) [PDF]
- Kostagiolas, P. A., Kourouthanassis P.E, Martzoukou, K., Korfiatis, N. and Niakas, D. (2018). Information seeking behavioural paths of physicians for diabetes mellitus care: A qualitative comparative analysis of information needs, sources and barriers.Health Systems, 7(1), 13-28. (CABS 2*) [PDF].
- Lavranos, C., Kostagiolas, P. A., Korfiatis, N., & Papadatos, J. (2016). Information seeking for musical creativity: A systematic literature review. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,67(9),2105-2117. (CABS 3*)
- Korfiatis, N., Zicari, R.V., & Lytras, M. D. (2015). Gender effects and cooperation styles in the Facebook community: A quasi-experimental assessment. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 44-50. (CABS 3*)
- Huang, G. H., & Korfiatis, N. (2015). Trying before buying: The moderating role of online reviews in trial attitude formation toward mobile applications. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 19(4), 77-111. (CABS 3*)
- Kostagiolas, P. A., Lavranos, C., Korfiatis, N., Papadatos, J., & Papavlasopoulos, S. (2015). Music, musicians and information seeking behaviour: A case study on a community concert band.Journal of Documentation, 71(1), 3-24. (Impact Factor: 0.833)
- Kostagiolas, P. A., Korfiatis, N., Kourouthanassis, P., & Alexias, G. (2014). Work-related factors influencing doctors search behaviours and trust towards medical information resources. International Journal of Information Management 34(2), 80-88. (CABS 2*)
- Korfiatis, N., & Poulos, M. (2013). Using online consumer reviews as a source for demographic recommendations: A case study using online travel reviews. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(14), 5507-5515. (CABS 3*)
- Wu, P. F., & Korfiatis, N. (2013). You Scratch Someone’s Back and We’ll Scratch Yours: Collective Reciprocity in Social Q&A Communities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 64(10), 2069-2077. (CABS 3*)
- Kostagiolas, P. A., Samioti, F., Alexias, G., Korfiatis, N., & Niakas, D. (2012). Examining Patterns of Information Behavior among healthcare professionals: A Case Study on Health Psychologists. New Review of Information Networking, 17(2), 108–119.
- Poulos, M, & Korfiatis, N. (2012). A methodology for binary encoding of citation metadata. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 7(4), 295-302.
- Kostagiolas, P., Korfiatis, N., & Poulos, M. (2012). A long-tail inspired measure to assess resource utilization on information services. Library and Information Science Research, 34(4), 317-323 (Impact Factor: 1.625)
- Korfiatis, N., Barriocanal-Garcia, E, Sanchez, S. (2012). Evaluating content quality and helpfulness of online product reviews: The interplay of review helpfulness vs. review content. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(3), 205-217. (CABS 2*)
- Poulos, M., Korfiatis, N., & Bokos, G. (2011). Towards text copyright detection using metadata in web applications. Program: Electronic library and Information Systems, 45, 439-451. (Impact Factor:0.833)
- Papavlasopoulos, S., Poulos, M., Korfiatis, N., & Bokos, G. (2010). A non-linear index to evaluate a journal’s scientific impact. Information Sciences, 180(11), 2156–2175. (Impact Factor: 2.833)
- Poulos, M., Papavlasopoulos, S., Belesiotis, V. S., Korfiatis, N. (2009). A semantic self-organizing webpage-ranking algorithm using computational geometry across different knowledge domains. International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, 1(1), 24–47.
- Korfiatis, N., Poulos, M., Bokos, G. (2007). Social metadata for the impact factor. The Electronic Library, 25(2), 166-175.(Impact Factor: 0.500)
- Korfiatis, N., Poulos, M., & Bokos, G. (2007). Evaluating authoritative sources using social networks: an insight from Wikipedia. Online Information Review, 30(3), 252–262. (CABS 1*)
- Poulos, M., Korfiatis, N., & Papavlassopoulos, S. (2004). A Computational Geometric Approach on Rule-Based SPAM Filtering. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications , 1(2), 8–15